Monday, August 28, 2006

Fresh from the Witness Protection Program

yeah, I know I went missing. Life happens. I'm getting the homestead ready to sell and I've been biking like a mofo. And work's been crazy so the blog has been on sabbatical. I switched to Dr. Squat's weighlifting plan. I was a little bored with the one I was using. I've been doing more core work. My elbow has gone south on me which has adversely affected my golf game. I've been taking lessons, but I can barely swing the club. But I've been consist ant. I have 13 days left on the last challenge. My shoulders are pimped. Legs too. We'll see the results on the 10th.

Shredded Wheat, Soy milk, low fat cheddar stick, banana
Midday snack
1/2 turkey sandwich
Turkey sloppy joe on 1/2 whole wheat bun
Apple and String cheese
Chicken breast
baked potato
Caesar salad
Ricotta and strawberries with sliced almonds

Today is the one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. A year ago I got a message from my friend down there that her father had passed and they were going to Biloxi on Tuesday to bury him. I don't know when they buried the old guy. Thank God he missed Katrina. Bless you Miss H, I think of you often. Next month will be the one year anniversary of my trip to the region. Nothing has happened to rebuild the town. Our government should be embarrassed by the way they treat our people.