Sunday, April 15, 2007

Last week went well, all things considered. Being 48 and still cycling is brutal. I wish I could send this equipment back to the manufacturer. The weather was crappy this weekend. Better today but way to breezy to bike. I spent 20 minutes doing HIIT yesterday and then another 30 minutes on the stairmaster. Today I took Mr. Man for a hike up Mt. Diablo. Kicked both of our asses. I'm so ready to go next week.

Organic Raisin bran, 1/2 grapefruit, cheese stick, oj (from the tree in the yard of course)
Turkey Jerky
FF yogurt
Curried chicken grape salad
Apple and string cheese
Ahi, canelli beans with roma tomatos and basil grilled in a packet
Ricotta cheese

I'm no longer affiliated with SND and that will be helpful. While it hurts me not to help, some folks are a little funny with the money and I don't like that. Get all indignant trying to get money back from DARE and you sent it without an invoice or a request? Not right. Then you want to use an entire organization as a bully pulpit? You are sauteed in wrong sauce.

Anyway, I have a lot more time, so I'm going to try to get to the gym early enough to through some cardio in as well. Then I'm going to try and alternate driving range and cycling at night. We'll see how the week goes.

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