Saturday, June 02, 2007

I'm building a Body for Life

One of the silly things that's in Bill Phillips' book is a cadence for weight lifting. The cadence is "I'm building" on the negative and "a body for life" on the positive. Sometimes I use it in the gym. Not very often because when you lift the mass that I do, your brain can't handle more than "PRESS", or "PULL"! But I'll find myself doing it on ab work or good mornings or something that I have 10 or more reps to complete. Right now, I feel like I'm building a Body for Life. Boredom is my worse enemy, and I end up spending a ton of time contemplating things. Right now, I've been contemplating that fact that I turn 50 in a mere 15 months. It was 17 months when I started contemplating, but it's gotten more and more out of hand as we head into September 2007. I don't obsess, but I do show 14 of the 19 markers for ADD, and my intellect is often restless. But I really need something to show for myself by the time I turn 50.

Today's numbers
Weight 210 (yay)
Fat 35.9
BMI 35.9

I didn't work out yesterday, simply because my hip was better after the visit to Dr. Elkind so I felt it prudent to actually rest it for a day. Alright, the fact that I'm playing 18 holes today and I am afraid I will undo her handiwork today has played into that decision.

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