Monday, May 14, 2007

Spiders as big as Buicks

This place I'm living in hasn't really been taken care of in years. I can see where grubs have gotten at the front lawn. (Which means they're after the back lawn too). I saw these beetle nests when I was cutting the front lawn two weeks ago. The Deaf Guy next door was hanging around when I was fooling with them and came out and looked. He came back with some insecticide and showed me on the bottle what they were. Then I came out and found him spraying down the nest. Well, yesterday I finished the job, since I knew they were throughout the lawn. Around the garage door tons of them came up the front of the house to get away from the insecticide. Along with them was this big black spider roughly as big in diameter as a golf ball. Gack! I hate spiders. This house has the nastiest ones I've ever seen. I sprayed them all down a few more times and I think they are all gone along with their giant spider friend Delta 88.

Spent an hour and a half on the bike yesterday. Got to the base of Ygnacio Valley and back, it was calm. Looked at two potential homes to buy. One is just down my line. Nasty green carpet that looks like something Linda Blair spewed in her youth.

This week's food

Oatmeal and FF cottage cheese
FF Yopait yogurt and Turkey Jerky
Chicken, brown rice and brocoli
Grapes, banana and string cheese
Mahi mahi, WW pasta and asparagus
Ricotta and fruit

This morning's weigh in, after a week at it:
Weight 215
Fat 36.6
BMI 36.6

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