Saturday, May 12, 2007

Who is afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Kathleen Turner is a lot scarier. Scary good. Bill Irwin is even scarier. He was spectacular as George. Last night, Kathleen Turner was Martha. What a great show. My friend thought the gal who played Honey, Kathleen Early was a little weak, but I thought she did a good job. I thought the guy who played Nick was a little weak and I'm not sure who played Nick last night. I think the charactor Honey just annoyed my friend. The banter between George and Martha was excellent. I'd never heard of Bill Irwin, but looking at his bio, he's been around for a very long time and has impressive credits. Apparently he was even in the Pickle Family Circus. Kathleen Turner's voice got more and more muddled as the performance went on. I was thinking how hard it must be to bring your speech patterns to a point of total drunkeness, gradually on stage. I've always like her and she totally sold me last night. Bill Irwin reminded me a little of John Waters, which made me giggle, knowing that Kathleen Turner had been Serial Mom. I do so love the theatre!
Yesterday was a bit of a free day, so I'm going to leave it that way and get back to business today. An escrow officer who'd been with the company for 20 years left yesterday so they brought in ribs. I had a beef rib, a couple of mozzerello sticks, a piece of corn bread, a couple of buffalo wings and a potato skin. Then I had some fried pita and hummus for dinner. Yeah, that sounds like a free food day.

Weight 215
Fat 36.4
BMI 36.6

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