Thursday, May 31, 2007
Drive it like you stole it!
In a fit of temporary insanity, The Contessa called me last Saturday night and asked for assistance retrieving his new Carrera from the Porsche dealership in Redwood City. Of course, I would help a friend in need, but I'm pretty sure I need to drive the Porsche.
OK, Richard Edson is my hero and I felt like him pulling out of the dealership. So the first thing I have to do is get the thing onto Highway 101. That was just screaming scarey. The gears are so tight on that thing. We got up to San Mateo and stopped by 750ml had a beautiful DuNuh Chardonney in a flight of three they were serving. Then we decided a bottle was a great idea. And a cheese plate. It was a delightful afternoon. And then we drove it home. Whee! That was fun. Unfortunately, it was Memorial Day weekend and I thought it prudent to keep it under wraps so I never took it over 85, but what a fun toy.

Monday, May 28, 2007
Missing the point on immigration
The right wing of this country is spending oodles of time and money beefing up the border patrols and immigration sweeps and building a freaking ridiculous wall to keep the Mexicans from crossing the borders and taking jobs away from Americans. Except that ship has sailed and the jobs have been already taken away from Americans. Not by Mexicans and Guatemalans and Central Americans swimming across the Rio Grande, but by corporate wankers outsourcing our jobs to India and the Philippines and Pakistan. Not one Guatemalan walked across the Arizona desert to become a title officer for six dollars an hour. Plenty of engineers in India have stayed home and taken my job for $16 per day. I was making around $65 per hour. Who is the real threat to my personal security? Bill Foley, John Harritt, Parker Kennedy and the like. Bill Foley more than the others as he is the one who ruined the title insurance business. It used to be a business based on researching the records. There didn't used to be title problems because the back room of the title companies solved the problems. Geeks and miscreants who had no real place in society methodically researched each recorded document and posted it in their respective title plants. In the mid 70's many of these title plants became computerized. Then in 1988 Bill Foley, the burger flipper, bought the old Western Title, the stalwart of the business back then, and turned title insurance into burger flipping. Staff became instantly expendable, like the are right now. There is no loyalty from the companies and employees have no loyalty back to the companies, and rightly so. A guy I've known for 30 years who probably has 35 to 40 years with the same company, just got laid off last week. That is beyond wrong. No one swam across the Rio Grande or ran across the Arizona desert to take his job. His job was outsourced to India.
The same things has occurred in the tech field. We've all called HP support and gotten Pasha who can barely be understood and who will not tell you what country she is located in. She will read from a script and frustrate you to the end of time. Eventually, you'll figure out your printer on your own.
It's time we pointed to the real problem. It's not people coming into this country, it's jobs going out. The Bush Adminstration will puff there chests and tell you how many jobs they created, but they didn't create jobs for displaced people like me. They didn't create jobs for engineers. They did not create telecom jobs. They allowed their corporate buddies to ship those overseas. Their new jobs are pulling shots for Starbucks. Not quality career opportunities. Jobs that we don't want to do, like sweeping floors and cleaning toilets, picking strawberries, jobs that are in the soft transient worker catagory are the jobs being done by the guys that have come into this country illegally. And all I have to say about that is, I'm glad they're working and not living on the dole. Now lets bring back the real jobs that the corporate wankers have sent to other countries and get the real Americans off the dole.
The same things has occurred in the tech field. We've all called HP support and gotten Pasha who can barely be understood and who will not tell you what country she is located in. She will read from a script and frustrate you to the end of time. Eventually, you'll figure out your printer on your own.
It's time we pointed to the real problem. It's not people coming into this country, it's jobs going out. The Bush Adminstration will puff there chests and tell you how many jobs they created, but they didn't create jobs for displaced people like me. They didn't create jobs for engineers. They did not create telecom jobs. They allowed their corporate buddies to ship those overseas. Their new jobs are pulling shots for Starbucks. Not quality career opportunities. Jobs that we don't want to do, like sweeping floors and cleaning toilets, picking strawberries, jobs that are in the soft transient worker catagory are the jobs being done by the guys that have come into this country illegally. And all I have to say about that is, I'm glad they're working and not living on the dole. Now lets bring back the real jobs that the corporate wankers have sent to other countries and get the real Americans off the dole.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Three day weekend...
I'm getting ready to go for a long bike ride with Javier. We're meeting at Heather Farms and going up Mt. Diablo. The last bike ride I went on with him, he took me on the Olympic trials course in Orinda. He thoroughly kicked my ass, then I think he went a rode Bear Creek after that. He's easily lost 50 pounds and looks great. I hadn't seen him in a while and I didn't recognize him. I would like people to not recognize me. Not everyone, just certain people.
This morning's numbers
Weight 211
Fat 36.4
BMI 36.
This morning's numbers
Weight 211
Fat 36.4
BMI 36.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I've certainly had my share of adventures on BART. More than most people. There was the crazy homeless guy shouting from the Embarcadero to Rockridge where we told him to get off because we had called the police. We called the BART Police at Embarcadero, they finally got on the train at Walnut Creek and proceeded to try and hold the train there. Dude, the crazy guy got off at Rockridge, you're three stops too late. Can we just go home now? Then there was the crazy guy who was beating his head against the closed door at Embarcadero. He had bloodied himself and was hollering I don't even know what. They held the train and the BART Police hauled him off and hooked him up. All these events happened on my car. Yesterday, I had to meet the contractor and the soon to be new house. I left work in time to make the 2:57, knowing I'd be at the property in plenty of time. Ah, mice and men. No soup for you! Halfway through the tube that runs UNDER the bay, the train comes to an abrupt stop. Our car fills up with a stench of fire, or smoked brakes or something. And we sit. And sit. And sit. Finally, Skippy our driver comes on to explain that the brakes have locked up and we're going to travel a bit slower from now on. How about not at all? Skippy decides that it would be a peachy idea to turn the train off completely and reset the system, so, he advises us, we'll be in the dark for about a minute, minute and a half or two. I'm claustrophobic and being in a tin train in a tube underneath San Francisco Bay in the dark with no way out is a recipe for disaster. My God! What if he turns off the train and it won't start again? Is MacGiver on this train? Can we get out? What if there's an earthquake and the tube splits and the car starts leaking water under the pressure of the bay? Can we get out of the car with a cell phone pen light and a can of pepper spray? Deep breaths because the lady next to me is hanging by a thread, just like I am. Skippy fires up the train and it actually starts, then we start to move and we're safe at the West Oakland station now. There's a sentence you don't see often "safe at the West Oakland station".
Weight 212
FAT 36.5
BMI 36.2
Weight 212
FAT 36.5
BMI 36.2
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Expect photojournalism
Today I'm meeting a contractor at the new house. I expect his report will read a little like War & Peace and won't say anything about the fact that I hate the carpet. I'm going to have to figure out an honorable way to get out of my lease around the first of September. I'm bringing my trusty camera to this event so I'm hoping to return with some photojournalism. I'm just thrilled for the free pass out of work at 3pm today. The weather is absolutely gorgeous here and right now, I really miss my sales job. Sales people have it made. If it's pretty like this, you take a client to play golf. I've been worming my way into our sales department in hopes of getting to go play with them. I'm hoping to get in 18 this weekend as well. After the inspection today, I'll be out on my bike, riding very safely. Mrs. H's father-in-law had a bad accident last week. God bless him for still riding like his shorts are on fire at 68 but damn, why can't people look out for cyclists. Get well old boy. Folks care about you.
Weight 213
FAT 36.5
BMI 36.3
This weeks food
Oatmeal and cottage cheese
Beef jerky and Yoplait FF yogurt
Chicken breast, brocoli and corn
Grapes and string cheese
mahi mahi, steamed in a pouch of canelli beans, tomatos and basil on the grill
grilled asparagus
Ricotta cheese and blueberries
Weight 213
FAT 36.5
BMI 36.3
This weeks food
Oatmeal and cottage cheese
Beef jerky and Yoplait FF yogurt
Chicken breast, brocoli and corn
Grapes and string cheese
mahi mahi, steamed in a pouch of canelli beans, tomatos and basil on the grill
grilled asparagus
Ricotta cheese and blueberries
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Grape, Rattle and Roll
This was the name of the event yesterday at Chalone Vineyards. Personally, I hate 1950's themed events. Afterall, is there a reason for the poodle skirt? I think not. In the wine world this will also equal old guys with slicked back hair to match their receding hair line and a ton of bowling shirts because we're all fat by this stage in our lives. The Highlands did the food and that was a boon. A little mixed up with too many different themes, but every one was well executed. I had a hard time putting the mango chicken on the plate next to the grilled sausages and warmed potato salad, next to the shrimp and fennel salad, next to the grilled salmon and string beans. Still, every item was delicious. The dessert I was unable to dissect, but it was pineapple with a custardy base on a base of what looked to be pineapple gelatin. It may have had some sort of bird pudding in it or something. Anyway, it was refreshing, delicious and very different to anything I've ever had.
The wine was another story. Diageo brands include Chalone, BV, Acacia, Sterling, Jade Mountain, Beauzeaux, Canoe Ridge and numerous others I did not taste. I'm not a fan of Sterling, never have been. Yesterday was no exception. Just flat for what it was. The wine maker was there which made it even sadder. Chalone probably had the best wine there. I met their winemaker. I believe his name was Dan Cook. A mountain of a man, but seemed to be a good guy. Acacia had one wine I liked, their Beckstoffer Pinot Noir was very good, but I don't know that it was $70 worth of good. Jade Mountain had a few interesting offerings. One was actually grown in Contra Costa County, out by the Sacramento River in Antioch. Beyond that it was a pretty dismal wine day. Certainly not worth the 3 hour drive.
After an epic free day
Weight 214
FAT 35.6
BMI 36.5
The wine was another story. Diageo brands include Chalone, BV, Acacia, Sterling, Jade Mountain, Beauzeaux, Canoe Ridge and numerous others I did not taste. I'm not a fan of Sterling, never have been. Yesterday was no exception. Just flat for what it was. The wine maker was there which made it even sadder. Chalone probably had the best wine there. I met their winemaker. I believe his name was Dan Cook. A mountain of a man, but seemed to be a good guy. Acacia had one wine I liked, their Beckstoffer Pinot Noir was very good, but I don't know that it was $70 worth of good. Jade Mountain had a few interesting offerings. One was actually grown in Contra Costa County, out by the Sacramento River in Antioch. Beyond that it was a pretty dismal wine day. Certainly not worth the 3 hour drive.
After an epic free day
Weight 214
FAT 35.6
BMI 36.5
Friday, May 18, 2007
Thankfully, we left our weapons in the car
One of the interesting facets of my job is the research. I've been getting to do a bit of the interesting stuff as of late. Today I went down to City Hall to pull a Macinnerny. A Mac is the decree quieting title pursuant to the Macinnerny act that was put into place after the 1906 earthquake and fire. City Hall burned in the fire as did most people's records. The fire burned to Van Ness. So the Macs were quicky court orders quieting title. San Francisco is great to work in because of the Macs. You have absolute title in usually 1908-1910ish. Pretty cool. So away I go all fired up to play with the old books. Except today there is some sort of carnival, which should probably be capitalized because it looks like something Brazilian to me, going on in the Rotunda, complete with a large drum corp. Trying to figure out those old records with a Brazilian drum corp echoing through the marbled halls of City Hall is enough to make you want to use weapons, on yourself. Unfortunately, after I successfully located all of my records, I couldn't shout at the clerk loud enough for her to understand what I needed, so I'll have to go back on Monday.
City Hall is a very nostalgic place for me. It's where Billy and me forged our great friendship. It's where Jimmy used to dream about driving Formula cars, it's where we got in trouble for chair races after too many cocktails at the Giraffe.
Weight 212
Fat 36.3
BMI 36.2
And I got the house!
City Hall is a very nostalgic place for me. It's where Billy and me forged our great friendship. It's where Jimmy used to dream about driving Formula cars, it's where we got in trouble for chair races after too many cocktails at the Giraffe.
Weight 212
Fat 36.3
BMI 36.2
And I got the house!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Bon Mots and Cheap Shots
With a nod to Herb Caen:
This is not how you support the troops!
This morning I'm driving down Treat en route to my morning workout. As I turn onto Treat this guy behind me is totally up my ass. Strangely, I'm driving the speed limit, it's 5:30 in the morning. One guy driving a mini-van and he guns it and goes around me and speeds off down Treat at least 60 mph in a 40 mph zone. As he whizzes by I see the "Support our Troops" yellow ribbon. Now where I come from, wasting gas because you're a selfish bastard so my friend's sons can risk their lives in Iraq does not support the troops. It puts them in grave danger and if you're not willing to do your fair share, you're an asshole buddy. I'm really sick and tired of this entitlement attitude that people in this country have adopted. (which I also blame on Reagan) We are part of a greater society and we need to do our part, individually, to be a responsible member of that society. Nuff said.
Oh, don't quit now...
Hey Bush Administration! Would it break the bank to give the troops that last .5% pay raise? Especially after those bonuses paid to the Veteran's Administration? Gee GW, for a PFC we'd be talking $6.00 a month. Do you think you can spare it? Pay our service people. You disgust me.
This is how you do it
This morning's weigh in:
Weight 212
Fat 36.3
BMI 36.2
It's nice to live in a neighborhood
Last night as I got home from my walk with Beauregard, we saw a little white dog in the middle of the street. When ever I see a dog in the street, I do my best to get them out of the street safely. I always think of Scooby. This was a little albino chihuahua. The little guy was scared as shit. A neighbor lady came out and tried to coax him over to her, he kept going up the street, so I got in the car and drove past him and up the street hoping to cut him off at the pass but he was way too scared. He started running towards Treat and got past me. I figured letting him get to Treat was more dangerous than just walking away. He ran into some one's yard and we left some dog treats out for him and hoped for the best. It's nice to know people will try and help. I hope the little guy was okay. Treat is where my friend's Doberman Bud was hit by a car around 10 or 15 years ago. She lives off Treat and someone broke into her house and there was all 95 pound of Bud, ready for some thief tartar. He chased them but they got away. Unfortunately, he was hit by a car on Treat. She found him laying in the median. They rushed him to Contra Costa Emergency Veterinarian and they saved his life, to the tune of $10,000 back then. My friend told me she could never put her dog down for doing his job. I learned something from her that day.
Why Washington Mutual Bank sucks hind tit
Three weeks ago, I put an ad on Craigslist to sell my 2001 525i. Shouldn't be that much of a stretch. I needed the title, so I pulled $11,500 out of my brokerage account and deposited it into my Washington Mutual Bank checking account. I put this check in the bank on April 15th while walking Beauregard. On April 18th, I checked my brokerage account and the check had cleared, so WAMU had the money. I called them to let them know and ask them to release the hold.
No, we can't release that hold.
Really? But you already have my money.
Procedure says we can't release that money.
Oh yes you can and you will.
No, that money can only be released by the branch that took the deposit, they put the hold on it. You have to go in there.
I got iced by the Ass Clowns at Alliance Title, last October. Since February, I've been working in San Francisco. I leave the house at 7am and don't return until 6pm. I can't make it to the bank around the corner from my house while their open. Sorry. So on April 25th, the pay off check to BMW came through WAMU. No one, not one soul with a brain looked at my account or that check or any thing else. They just bounced it AND charged me $27 even though they had the money already. No one took into consideration that I had been writing checks to BMW for years. No one considered that the check in question was a check from me, to me, endorsed my me or the fact that I've had an account with them, complete with direct deposit for 10 years!
So I gather up all my crap and go down to the WAMU in the financial district. Low and behold, this girl could have released the hold, but the ass pirates at 1-800-788-7000 wouldn't tell me that. They did tell me that the branch put the hold on the check which was also a lie. I talked to the branch yesterday and they don't even look at ATM deposits, the send them directly to Chatsworth. Liars. Now it's too late and the check has bounced, but she can at least reverse the charges and give me a cashier's check with no charge. Now I have BMW's $15 returned item charge and FEDEX both ways at $23.92 and $24.03 respectively because by now I have have a purchaser for the car. Don't ask me why FEDEX charges $14.10 for corporate rate to anywhere in the country but J.Q. Public gets it up the butt. Anyway, I was expecting around $40 in FEDEX charges, but it ended up to be $47.95 plus the $15.00, plus the extra interest for two weeks which turned out to be $7.00 for a total of $69.95 pissed out the window because of who I do business with.
The truth of the matter is, it's our money. Every one of us. They had use of that $11,000 for 11 days. They made interest on it in overnight floats. It is unconscionable that they make that money and then make more money off of me and then cost me nearly $70 more dollars because of their incompetence. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, they're all the same.
Housing Alert
I think I might have gotten that place...we'll see. It's a dump...
This is not how you support the troops!
This morning I'm driving down Treat en route to my morning workout. As I turn onto Treat this guy behind me is totally up my ass. Strangely, I'm driving the speed limit, it's 5:30 in the morning. One guy driving a mini-van and he guns it and goes around me and speeds off down Treat at least 60 mph in a 40 mph zone. As he whizzes by I see the "Support our Troops" yellow ribbon. Now where I come from, wasting gas because you're a selfish bastard so my friend's sons can risk their lives in Iraq does not support the troops. It puts them in grave danger and if you're not willing to do your fair share, you're an asshole buddy. I'm really sick and tired of this entitlement attitude that people in this country have adopted. (which I also blame on Reagan) We are part of a greater society and we need to do our part, individually, to be a responsible member of that society. Nuff said.
Oh, don't quit now...
Hey Bush Administration! Would it break the bank to give the troops that last .5% pay raise? Especially after those bonuses paid to the Veteran's Administration? Gee GW, for a PFC we'd be talking $6.00 a month. Do you think you can spare it? Pay our service people. You disgust me.
This is how you do it
This morning's weigh in:
Weight 212
Fat 36.3
BMI 36.2
It's nice to live in a neighborhood
Last night as I got home from my walk with Beauregard, we saw a little white dog in the middle of the street. When ever I see a dog in the street, I do my best to get them out of the street safely. I always think of Scooby. This was a little albino chihuahua. The little guy was scared as shit. A neighbor lady came out and tried to coax him over to her, he kept going up the street, so I got in the car and drove past him and up the street hoping to cut him off at the pass but he was way too scared. He started running towards Treat and got past me. I figured letting him get to Treat was more dangerous than just walking away. He ran into some one's yard and we left some dog treats out for him and hoped for the best. It's nice to know people will try and help. I hope the little guy was okay. Treat is where my friend's Doberman Bud was hit by a car around 10 or 15 years ago. She lives off Treat and someone broke into her house and there was all 95 pound of Bud, ready for some thief tartar. He chased them but they got away. Unfortunately, he was hit by a car on Treat. She found him laying in the median. They rushed him to Contra Costa Emergency Veterinarian and they saved his life, to the tune of $10,000 back then. My friend told me she could never put her dog down for doing his job. I learned something from her that day.
Why Washington Mutual Bank sucks hind tit
Three weeks ago, I put an ad on Craigslist to sell my 2001 525i. Shouldn't be that much of a stretch. I needed the title, so I pulled $11,500 out of my brokerage account and deposited it into my Washington Mutual Bank checking account. I put this check in the bank on April 15th while walking Beauregard. On April 18th, I checked my brokerage account and the check had cleared, so WAMU had the money. I called them to let them know and ask them to release the hold.
No, we can't release that hold.
Really? But you already have my money.
Procedure says we can't release that money.
Oh yes you can and you will.
No, that money can only be released by the branch that took the deposit, they put the hold on it. You have to go in there.
I got iced by the Ass Clowns at Alliance Title, last October. Since February, I've been working in San Francisco. I leave the house at 7am and don't return until 6pm. I can't make it to the bank around the corner from my house while their open. Sorry. So on April 25th, the pay off check to BMW came through WAMU. No one, not one soul with a brain looked at my account or that check or any thing else. They just bounced it AND charged me $27 even though they had the money already. No one took into consideration that I had been writing checks to BMW for years. No one considered that the check in question was a check from me, to me, endorsed my me or the fact that I've had an account with them, complete with direct deposit for 10 years!
So I gather up all my crap and go down to the WAMU in the financial district. Low and behold, this girl could have released the hold, but the ass pirates at 1-800-788-7000 wouldn't tell me that. They did tell me that the branch put the hold on the check which was also a lie. I talked to the branch yesterday and they don't even look at ATM deposits, the send them directly to Chatsworth. Liars. Now it's too late and the check has bounced, but she can at least reverse the charges and give me a cashier's check with no charge. Now I have BMW's $15 returned item charge and FEDEX both ways at $23.92 and $24.03 respectively because by now I have have a purchaser for the car. Don't ask me why FEDEX charges $14.10 for corporate rate to anywhere in the country but J.Q. Public gets it up the butt. Anyway, I was expecting around $40 in FEDEX charges, but it ended up to be $47.95 plus the $15.00, plus the extra interest for two weeks which turned out to be $7.00 for a total of $69.95 pissed out the window because of who I do business with.
The truth of the matter is, it's our money. Every one of us. They had use of that $11,000 for 11 days. They made interest on it in overnight floats. It is unconscionable that they make that money and then make more money off of me and then cost me nearly $70 more dollars because of their incompetence. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, they're all the same.
Housing Alert
I think I might have gotten that place...we'll see. It's a dump...
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
The Argument for a Realtor
My realtor, Bob, met the seller's agent at the house today, along with the seller. Apparently the seller had received an appraisal last August for $580,000 on the house. Bob explained very methodically to her that was then and this is now. The market has changed and so goes the merry drunken fun fest in residential real estate.
I'm a commercial title officer. Now that I'm in a commercial unit, business is business and we aren't too affected by what's going on in the residential world. People get so emotionally attached to property. It's so stupid. No one falls in love with a Solar Energy plant in Nevada. I like this side much better.
Anywho, Bob explained to the seller and her agent that this was roughly all she could expect after spending 30 years doing no maintenance to the house. I wouldn't want to be in front of Bob. He's gentle and smooth and smart. He thinks we're going to get this one with maybe a small counter. God I love a deal through a deal!
This morning's weigh in:
Weight 214
Fat 36.6
BMI 36.5
Yesterday's behavior? Perfect!
I'm a commercial title officer. Now that I'm in a commercial unit, business is business and we aren't too affected by what's going on in the residential world. People get so emotionally attached to property. It's so stupid. No one falls in love with a Solar Energy plant in Nevada. I like this side much better.
Anywho, Bob explained to the seller and her agent that this was roughly all she could expect after spending 30 years doing no maintenance to the house. I wouldn't want to be in front of Bob. He's gentle and smooth and smart. He thinks we're going to get this one with maybe a small counter. God I love a deal through a deal!
This morning's weigh in:
Weight 214
Fat 36.6
BMI 36.5
Yesterday's behavior? Perfect!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Real Estate Matters
After several months of trying to find retail space for my wine bar, I decided to hire a realtor to help me find a thrashed piece of property to rehab. I figured that if I worked full time at that, I could make enough per month to off set the fact that I wasn't working at all. Well, that didn't pan out either. We have, as of today written our fourth offer. Two had construction defect lawsuits and they didn't have room on the price. Then there's the guy in Lafayetteville or something like that. This clown bought the house in 1962 for $13,100. He held the house up until 2007. It's on almost 1/4 acre, but it still has the original windows and it is a 3/1. Not particularly desirable. So it was on MLS for $500,000. We came in at $480,000. Now if someone has owned a house for 40 years, he has to be at least, at the very least, 58 years old. More likely than not, he's way into his sixties, possibly even his seventies. This old fool told his agent that he would move back into the house before he took a dime under $500k for it. File that under dumb bastard. Maybe he's spending too much time listening to the coyotes out in Lafayetteville, or six foot rabbits.
Now yesterday we found a property that I have to be careful about. I could fall in love and that would be wrong. It's over 1/4 acre, it's got a 3/2 on it and it's got the ugliest lime green carpet you've ever seen. The bath fixtures are pink. This thing is a thing of beauty in my twisted little world. We wrote at $490,000. Wish me luck!
Now yesterday we found a property that I have to be careful about. I could fall in love and that would be wrong. It's over 1/4 acre, it's got a 3/2 on it and it's got the ugliest lime green carpet you've ever seen. The bath fixtures are pink. This thing is a thing of beauty in my twisted little world. We wrote at $490,000. Wish me luck!
Spiders as big as Buicks
This place I'm living in hasn't really been taken care of in years. I can see where grubs have gotten at the front lawn. (Which means they're after the back lawn too). I saw these beetle nests when I was cutting the front lawn two weeks ago. The Deaf Guy next door was hanging around when I was fooling with them and came out and looked. He came back with some insecticide and showed me on the bottle what they were. Then I came out and found him spraying down the nest. Well, yesterday I finished the job, since I knew they were throughout the lawn. Around the garage door tons of them came up the front of the house to get away from the insecticide. Along with them was this big black spider roughly as big in diameter as a golf ball. Gack! I hate spiders. This house has the nastiest ones I've ever seen. I sprayed them all down a few more times and I think they are all gone along with their giant spider friend Delta 88.
Spent an hour and a half on the bike yesterday. Got to the base of Ygnacio Valley and back, it was calm. Looked at two potential homes to buy. One is just down my line. Nasty green carpet that looks like something Linda Blair spewed in her youth.
This week's food
Oatmeal and FF cottage cheese
FF Yopait yogurt and Turkey Jerky
Chicken, brown rice and brocoli
Grapes, banana and string cheese
Mahi mahi, WW pasta and asparagus
Ricotta and fruit
This morning's weigh in, after a week at it:
Weight 215
Fat 36.6
BMI 36.6
Spent an hour and a half on the bike yesterday. Got to the base of Ygnacio Valley and back, it was calm. Looked at two potential homes to buy. One is just down my line. Nasty green carpet that looks like something Linda Blair spewed in her youth.
This week's food
Oatmeal and FF cottage cheese
FF Yopait yogurt and Turkey Jerky
Chicken, brown rice and brocoli
Grapes, banana and string cheese
Mahi mahi, WW pasta and asparagus
Ricotta and fruit
This morning's weigh in, after a week at it:
Weight 215
Fat 36.6
BMI 36.6
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Quick weigh in
Weight 215
FAT 36.8
BMI 36.6
I'm off on a 2 hour or maybe an hour and a half bike ride. The wind has died down and it's gorgeous here. Today ends one week of acting pretty damned right on my new BFL challenge. Tomorrow morning's weigh in will be of great interest.
FAT 36.8
BMI 36.6
I'm off on a 2 hour or maybe an hour and a half bike ride. The wind has died down and it's gorgeous here. Today ends one week of acting pretty damned right on my new BFL challenge. Tomorrow morning's weigh in will be of great interest.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
1998 Moss Creek Zinfandel
Every now and then I reach into the wine fridge and pull out something that amazes me. Tonight it was the 1998 Moss Creek Zinfandel. Now, I'm no dope so if I bought it, there's something interesting about it in the first place. This thing has probably been there longer than I'd like to admit. I don't remember when or where I bought it. I think I got it from the little place on the right of Highway 29 just past Sequoia. Or maybe at Sequoia and it was one of those places that also marketed another winery's product.
It's got that old wine feel. Hell, I'm drinking a 9 year old Zinfandel. It's got that older wine color and it's big, huge with cherries. Very soft mouthfeel, has certainly aged well and has that eloquent feel that older wine should. I had it with a grilled filet mignon and roasted potatoes and it was exquisite.
It's got that old wine feel. Hell, I'm drinking a 9 year old Zinfandel. It's got that older wine color and it's big, huge with cherries. Very soft mouthfeel, has certainly aged well and has that eloquent feel that older wine should. I had it with a grilled filet mignon and roasted potatoes and it was exquisite.
Who is afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Kathleen Turner is a lot scarier. Scary good. Bill Irwin is even scarier. He was spectacular as George. Last night, Kathleen Turner was Martha. What a great show. My friend thought the gal who played Honey, Kathleen Early was a little weak, but I thought she did a good job. I thought the guy who played Nick was a little weak and I'm not sure who played Nick last night. I think the charactor Honey just annoyed my friend. The banter between George and Martha was excellent. I'd never heard of Bill Irwin, but looking at his bio, he's been around for a very long time and has impressive credits. Apparently he was even in the Pickle Family Circus. Kathleen Turner's voice got more and more muddled as the performance went on. I was thinking how hard it must be to bring your speech patterns to a point of total drunkeness, gradually on stage. I've always like her and she totally sold me last night. Bill Irwin reminded me a little of John Waters, which made me giggle, knowing that Kathleen Turner had been Serial Mom. I do so love the theatre!
Yesterday was a bit of a free day, so I'm going to leave it that way and get back to business today. An escrow officer who'd been with the company for 20 years left yesterday so they brought in ribs. I had a beef rib, a couple of mozzerello sticks, a piece of corn bread, a couple of buffalo wings and a potato skin. Then I had some fried pita and hummus for dinner. Yeah, that sounds like a free food day.
Weight 215
Fat 36.4
BMI 36.6
Yesterday was a bit of a free day, so I'm going to leave it that way and get back to business today. An escrow officer who'd been with the company for 20 years left yesterday so they brought in ribs. I had a beef rib, a couple of mozzerello sticks, a piece of corn bread, a couple of buffalo wings and a potato skin. Then I had some fried pita and hummus for dinner. Yeah, that sounds like a free food day.
Weight 215
Fat 36.4
BMI 36.6
Body for Life,
Free Day,
Kathleen Turner,
Friday, May 11, 2007
Hoping to keep it rolling
This morning's weigh in:
Weight 213
FAT 37.0
BMI 36.3
Now dropping a quick six pounds in a week is a beautiful thing. Today they're bringing in lunch and it is my goal to have a Body for Life lunch, even though it's Tony Roma's. Hopefully I can talk them into bringing in some chicken, then if they have some corn, I'm home free.
Weight 213
FAT 37.0
BMI 36.3
Now dropping a quick six pounds in a week is a beautiful thing. Today they're bringing in lunch and it is my goal to have a Body for Life lunch, even though it's Tony Roma's. Hopefully I can talk them into bringing in some chicken, then if they have some corn, I'm home free.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Things are looking up
Today's weigh in:
Weight 214
Fat 36.9
BMI 36.5
Now I have to make it through a breakfast meeting with no sinning today. I am focused, I will perservere. Tomorrow they're bringing in ribs. I'm going to ask them to order me a chicken breast. I've made great progress this week and I'm not going backwards.
The heat has gone away, and it's normal weather here. I'm hoping for a still evening and a killer bike ride tonight.
Weight 214
Fat 36.9
BMI 36.5
Now I have to make it through a breakfast meeting with no sinning today. I am focused, I will perservere. Tomorrow they're bringing in ribs. I'm going to ask them to order me a chicken breast. I've made great progress this week and I'm not going backwards.
The heat has gone away, and it's normal weather here. I'm hoping for a still evening and a killer bike ride tonight.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Well, some good news this morning:
Weight 215
Fat 36.9
BMI 36.7
Got my butt to the gym on time, didn't screw around on the internet, all is good. The bike ride in nearly 90 degree weather yesterday was exhilirating. Beau's leg which was worrying me, seems to be on the mend and I'm focused on swatting some golf balls tonight HooWee!
Weight 215
Fat 36.9
BMI 36.7
Got my butt to the gym on time, didn't screw around on the internet, all is good. The bike ride in nearly 90 degree weather yesterday was exhilirating. Beau's leg which was worrying me, seems to be on the mend and I'm focused on swatting some golf balls tonight HooWee!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
This pretty much sez it all
Ok, I've passed Rubenesque, the Pillbury dough boy and entered into a place I don't really want to be. My posture is off, my belly protrudes beyond things it shouldn't protrude beyond and that ass is epic in the wrong way. The good news is today I was perfect, just like yesterday. I even went for an hour bike ride tonight. This will pass.
Start slow, taper off?
OK, not a bang up start.
Weight 218
Fat 36.8
BMI 37.1
But I didn't get to the gym yesterday. I also didn't eat anything that I wasn't supposed to. I also kept my portions accurate. I didn't make an afternoon Peet's run (although that may be inevidible today).
I did take a weed whacker to the shoots coming out of the lawn in the back yard. It was 90 degrees when I got home from work. I did do laundry last night and clean the kitchen. I did not sleep well as it almost 80 in the bedroom and something is wrong with Beau's leg or back. He woke up crying in the night. The night before last, I tried to scoot him over and he yelped and snapped air. Last night he got out of bed and couldn't get back up there. I sure hope it's a sore muscle. I don't want my baby boy to be getting old.
Weight 218
Fat 36.8
BMI 37.1
But I didn't get to the gym yesterday. I also didn't eat anything that I wasn't supposed to. I also kept my portions accurate. I didn't make an afternoon Peet's run (although that may be inevidible today).
I did take a weed whacker to the shoots coming out of the lawn in the back yard. It was 90 degrees when I got home from work. I did do laundry last night and clean the kitchen. I did not sleep well as it almost 80 in the bedroom and something is wrong with Beau's leg or back. He woke up crying in the night. The night before last, I tried to scoot him over and he yelped and snapped air. Last night he got out of bed and couldn't get back up there. I sure hope it's a sore muscle. I don't want my baby boy to be getting old.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Here we go!
Starting a new challenge today. Off to a great start by waking up late, screwing around and not getting to the gym, for the first time in months. I'm not going to sweat the small stuff. Starting figures:
Weight 218
FAT 36.9
BMI 37.1
I haven't decided if I'm going to make up the workout tonight or just spend some time getting my life in order. I went to the Clayton Art and Wine Festival Saturday with Mrs. H and Mr. H and the whole famdamily. Had a glass of wine at their house, walked down, had two pints of beer, walked back to the house, had four or five more glasses of wine and got my drunk ass driven home. Yesterday I could have done some prep work, but I couldn't think, at all. I was mentally flatlining. I managed to steam some brocoli. Saturday I Q'ed up some chicken, I had a little left over brown rice so here we go.
Oatmeal and ff cottage cheese
FF yogurt and Turkey jerky
BBQ chicken, brown rice and brocoli
Apple and string cheese
Salmon, baked potato and spinach salad
Ricotta and blueberries.
Disgusting pictures to follow.
Weight 218
FAT 36.9
BMI 37.1
I haven't decided if I'm going to make up the workout tonight or just spend some time getting my life in order. I went to the Clayton Art and Wine Festival Saturday with Mrs. H and Mr. H and the whole famdamily. Had a glass of wine at their house, walked down, had two pints of beer, walked back to the house, had four or five more glasses of wine and got my drunk ass driven home. Yesterday I could have done some prep work, but I couldn't think, at all. I was mentally flatlining. I managed to steam some brocoli. Saturday I Q'ed up some chicken, I had a little left over brown rice so here we go.
Oatmeal and ff cottage cheese
FF yogurt and Turkey jerky
BBQ chicken, brown rice and brocoli
Apple and string cheese
Salmon, baked potato and spinach salad
Ricotta and blueberries.
Disgusting pictures to follow.
Friday, May 04, 2007
Stop. Rewind. Play.
After reading through the blog yesterday, or last night rather, I decided I really did need to rededicate myself to what I want to accomplish. I'm so overwhelmed, having taken a huge (read $50k) cut in pay to get back to work, and get the job I really should have, that I became paralyzed. I went to the BFL webpage and looked at what previous champions ate, since I know what my problem is. I put the book where I'd pick it up rather frequently, and I planned next week's food.
Oatmeal and FF cottage cheese
Snack 1
Beef or turkey jerky
FF yogurt
Chicken breast and rice, probably with brocoli
Snack 2
String cheese
Baked potato DRY
LF ricotta
Beginning pictures to come in a day or two.
It's time.
Oatmeal and FF cottage cheese
Snack 1
Beef or turkey jerky
FF yogurt
Chicken breast and rice, probably with brocoli
Snack 2
String cheese
Baked potato DRY
LF ricotta
Beginning pictures to come in a day or two.
It's time.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Need. Direction. Focus. Now.
I'm having a rough time focusing. The monumental cut in pay I took to get back to work is painful at the very least. That pain is transcribing into stress eating. For the most part, I've kept it under control. I haven't fallen face first into the food trough or anything, but I'm not making progress and I'm consistantly weighing in around 213-217. Not very happy with myself. I haven't done an official challenge in a while and I'm thinking about starting one on Monday. 12 hard core weeks. I'm broke anyway so I might as well focus on the cheap things that I can do to make myself feel better, like loose around 20 pounds, gain some flexibility, ride my bike more, re-write my business plan so I can get my business going and pair down my life so that I can move back to the big city. That's what I'm thinking.
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